Clover Life

Clover Life

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Sweet & Yummy Oranges From Cameron Highlands

Have you try the oranges origin from Cameron Highlands? If you never, you have to try it ^^ 
Sweet & Yummy with it's special texture.... Nice to eat...
I love it very very much, Thanks my love Daddy ^^

Oranges from Cameron Highlands

Cutting in Cubes ^^

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Life Core Values

Have you ever think about the values existing in your life which you always maintain it, wanted it or to be achieved in your life? What are those values in your life? Is it important to be with you for making a better you tomorrow? Or it's just a trend to have these values in life?

What are your core values in life? 

Family? Health? Wealth? Travelling? Creativity? Self Development? Courage? Friends?OR???

Values are important elements to a person's life, the values you maintain will reflect you in your real life. The values...... may affect your life and people around you, it may change you or it may destroy you as well if you didn't choose a correct one >.<

Let's think about it, you will have a clearer scene for a future you ^^ 

Let's Dream it, Let's Do it ^^

Core Values In Life ^^

Friday, 28 June 2013

My Favourite Food - Tom Yam

Refer to the Title today, I'm going to talk about one of my favourite food ,TOM YAM. Do you like to eat Tom Yam? Same as me? Like the lime taste, like it's sour and spicy? Or you don't like it because it's spicy for you? >.<

Tom Yam is a very yummy food and I love it very much! I tried a lot of different Tom Yam since long time ago especially when I come to Penang. I keep on looking for new places where selling Tom Yam. Haha, am I too crazy for Tom Yam? May be~

I tried the Tom Yam which takes me 1 hour time to wait for it to be served, I tried Tom Yam at different cafe and restaurant as well. Sometimes, it's not easy to get a yummy Tom Yam which all the taste needed are just fine. I like it's sour, I like it's spicy. Not many places are selling yummy Tom Yam and I got to try few yummy recently which near by Penang Jetty areas~ You should go and try it out too if you like Tom Yam! *佳乡 or 乡下 also delicious, my favourite places for Tom Yam recently~ Enjoy~

Yummy TomYam

My Favourite Food

Sunday, 23 June 2013

SungHa Jung's Concert at USM

Tonight, I attended a mini concert in USM, presented by SungHa Jung. The concert started on time at 8.30pm at Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra, USM. I will be there not because of SungHa Jung but accompanied my sis, Vera for her favourite Guitarist....... and then, I got to know more about SungHa Jung and I like him too ^^ *I wish to learn about guitar since very long time ago too, but no time for that yet >.< *

SungHa Jung is a famous Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitarist who come from Korea and he is famous on Youtube channel with all his guitar playing videos.

The mini concert is wonderful! I enjoyed with the concert when looking and listening on him playing the guitars. The skills, the techniques, together with the nice songs are awesome! He is such a good Acoustic Guitarist. You can see the speciality of him while playing with his guitar, with his own & the special style. I love it! By the way, he is cool! He is such a young and wonderful guitarist~ I will attend this kind of concert again if he is coming again~

Had a great night with Vera & I hope she is happy with the concert too. Last but not least, have a look with his Youtube Video on "Payphone" by clicking on below link ^^ Good night~

Awesome Concert

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Album Editing Is Fun

Few weeks ago, I bought the photo album printing package from Groupon and it's time to redeem the album...... Last minute work again~ Haha!

Although the time for me to edit is short, but I will still do my best for it. 

Collect photos > Group photos > Organize photos > Photoshop Editing > Final Arrangement > Wording & Decorations > Final Draft > Confirmed Printing > Done 

I enjoyed the moment I spent to edit the whole photo album for my Convocation. Had fun with all the editing stuffs.... Then, it's time to wait for the Album delivery ^^ 

I found some meaningful quotes during my editing time and would like to share with you before I end this post~

*Life Is Like Riding A Bicycle. To Keep Your Balance, You Must Keep Moving - Albert Einstein*

My Convo Album

Thursday, 20 June 2013

A Date Of Tom Yam With Nicole

Nicole told me there is a yummy TomYam located in Farlim area since long time ago and today only we free to go together ^^ Haha! Thanks Nicole again~ We reached 1288 restaurant around 9pm and we ordered Milo Iced & TomYam maggie mee...... together with the meat ball, sausage, mushroom and meat.

The mee served in a very big bowl, haha! The soup is spicy and sour enough, it's delicious! It's yummy! Once again, I tried another yummy tomyam in Penang~ Hopefully more are coming soon.....

TomYam in a super big bowl

After the yummy and full dinner, we went to All Season as I never been there before. Walked around. Hehe, saw something make me happy and wanted to buy..... D.I.Y bracelet. Felt so happy just now when looking at those cute and special charm for the bracelet. I chose 5 of it and have my own bracelet which represents the values in my life~ I Love it ^^ 

Thanks Nicole tonight, I'm happy! Good night everyone~

Kawai-i Charm for D.I.Y

I love my life ^^ I love ART

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Happy Father's Day With All The Love


I reached home yesterday night after settled something and shopping in Ipoh. Feel good at home, and wake up from my warmest bed, I love it! Had my yummy Japanese style breakfast by my lovely mummy. Feel so happy and warm to be at home every time I back for holiday, it's the best way and the best place to recharge myself..... anyway, the main point this time is the celebration for Father's Day ^^

Afternoon session was Starbuck moment with mummy, Stephy & Mingz. Hehe! We love Starbuck! A good place for us to enjoy the drinks and snacks, sharing the happiness moments with family. Talk about life, talk about career, talk about anything and everything~ I love them! Love the moments with them~ Enjoy my weekend till max, although it's just very short...... Argh! I need more hours during weekend >.<

At night, mummy cooked a lot of yummy stuffs for us. Feel so happy and life is really wonderful! Haha! I love my family, I love my life! Happy Father's Day to Daddy ^^ I love you! Wish you always happy, healthy and dreams come true~ 

Japanese Breakfast from Mummy

First Try in Starbuck

Monkey? Banana snack~

Yummy snack, Mummy's 1st Try

Mashed potatoes..... yummy....

Herbs Chicken

Yummy Steamed Fish

Dinner of the Night ^^

Happy Father's Day! *Greentea Cake*

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Dinner At BlueReef After Furious Storm

I really can't imagine what was happening just now when I came out from office...... Just like a nightmare. Many things were happened just within that 10 - 20 minutes I guessed. It's terrible! 

I came down from office with Nicole & Looi around 7pm and we were planned to go for Korean dinner but we met super strong wind & rain just now! I never see this kind of situation before and I really worried and scared! How come the wind can be that strong? All the things got messy on the road because of the wind, I totally can't walk if I was on the street just now..... Luckily I hidden myself in the bank. I saw one of the motorcyclist fallen down from his motor as well due to the wind..... Can you imagine how strong is that? Feel the hurricane situation, how pity is that? >.<

What came into to my mind just now was that I have to gain a healthy weight but not "too thin".Haha! For safety purpose ^^ At first, we thought to have our dinner at Daore but due to the storm, road blocked due to trees falling down and so on, we changed our dinner venue to Strait Quay. What to eat in Strait Quay? Finally, we decided to try Blue Reef  Fish & Chips. We got to know that there are many accidents happened within the half hour time just now..... Trees fall down, Things fall down, Antenna from the top of the building fall down too and cause a lot of tragedy. We were lucky just now because we are safe.... Appreciate.

We ordered a classic Fish & Chips and a Salmon Creamy Spaghetti for sharing. I ordered a Vanilla Latte. The environment in Blue Reef give me a comfortable feeling especially after the terrible situation just now. It calms my mind ^^ The spaghetti is yummy and same to the fish and chips too! The fish is fresh and delicious! *Love* I think 3 of us will go again soon~ Had a lucky & happy gathering with the girls.....

Appreciate life! Enjoy it as the best you can ^^ 

A comfortable environment

Drinks of the night 

Yummy Creamy Spaghetti

Classic Fish & Chips *Fresh*Yummy*

Blue Reef Fish & Chips
Strait Quay,
3A-G-20, Block A,
Ground Floor,
Jalan Seri Tanjung Pinang,
Tanjung Tokong,
10470 Penang,

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Happy Dumpling Festival & Lunch At The Sire Museum Restaurant

Happy Dumpling Festival! 端午节快乐!

Have you eat dumplings yet? I haven't eat any until just now dinner time. I miss the moment of having dumplings together with my dear parents and siblings while at home during previous Dumpling Festival.... Miss the dumplings made by my lovely grandmother. Miss them very much, especially during every special festival..... Hope they are happy every moments ^^ 

How is your dumpling festival? I had lunch with my colleagues and sweet delivery dinner from my dear tonight ^^ Feel so happy with all the loves around me... 

In the afternoon, Louis suggested to have lunch together and finally we decided to go The Sire, a museum restaurant near by which I never been there before. Haha! Just 3 of us today, I enjoyed the lunch with them, Louis and Nicole. The environment there is nice, western designed together with chinese traditional elements. Anyway, it calms my mind, it's a good place to have gathering~ Love some of their ancient decorations too~

The Sire 

Their decorations

We ordered a creamy spaghetti, pizza & mushroom soup. While waiting for the food and drinks to be served, for sure I will take some pictures first >.< Sharing and gossiping while looking at a group of citizens celebrating their friend's birthday, how warm is that? Feel their Friendship & the Relationship too. I love this kind of celebration and gathering with the love around me..... 

The glass for my Chocolate drinks look special, slanting to one side, looks like it wanna fall down soon. Haha! Anyway, the chocolate drink is nice ^^ The mushroom soup is just so so but the Creamy Spaghetti is yummy ^^ Love the creamy, Love the taste. For the pizza, it's not bad too but I can't eat more than 2 pieces as the taste is just nice, it may become salty if eating too much. Overall, nice~ As I know, the museum restaurant is big, hope my next visit is not rush like today's lunch so that I can visit the whole building. Happy with the lunch today, perhaps more are coming soon...... 

Mushroom Soup

Drinks of the Day

Yummy Creamy Spaghetti

Yummy Pizza

Special Pan

At night, dear promised to deliver some homemade dumplings for me and we met at 8pm after my shower. I was so hungry that moment and I was surprised with his Love & Warm Delivery! Muaks! He brought some dumplings and his homemade chicken chop for me.... OMG! I felt so happy just now when looking at him with the Chicken Chop. Haha! Thanks dear for all the lovely delivery, I love it very much! Appreciate~ Love the taste, love the food, love the heart~ Enjoy my day ^^ 


Homemade Dumplings from him ^^

Lovely Dinner for me, Dumpling, Homemade Chicken Chop & Beans

Yummy Dumpling with Gula Melaka

The SIRE Museum Restaurant
4, King Street,
10200 Penang,

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Learning & Relax Happiness

Bought a basic make up tutorial course from Groupon few weeks ago and now is the time to redeem ^^ The course will be started at 11am and I reached on time..... Ewin will be late for the class so I started mine first. 

Felt so excited for the course today as I was waiting to learn something new about make up ^^ Firstly, the tutor gave me a free gift from their academy, a set of make up brushes, the basic one. Then, we started our make up class today. The tutor introduced the basic make up tools and then step by step for a Day Make Up~

Eyebrow shaping, base, foundation, concealer, loose powder, eyebrow drawing, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, blushes and finally lip gloss..... She finished the Day make up for half of my face and let myself to complete the other half~ I had fun with the make up process and learnt something new with day make up but not much. Anyway, I learnt something new from here and discover something new too. Happy with the learning course today...... I love it! *For hair, I think my 2 minutes hairdo is better than the one they teach me :P * Haha.....

Tools of the Day ^^

The process for Day Make Up
Love my life ^^

After Ewin finished her course, we had our lunch at Subway before heading to our Detoxification Massage at E-gate. It's a Taiwan massage company focus on health, we bought the package via groupon as well >.< Had a 2 hours detoxification massage just now and it's suffer for me this round, may be ate too much of unhealthy food and hence this is the result *pain*..... Must really take good care with my health already.... in order to have a better and healthier body in future ^^ *Love their natural sweet's welcome drinks*

Hehe, packed schedule today but I'm enjoy ^^ Love my life! Enjoy my life! Happy weekend!

Healthy & Nice Drinks *Love the leaf*

Friday, 7 June 2013

Lunch At Kwong Sang House 广生洋服

Due to my lunch partner fly to Australia for about 2 weeks holiday, I have my lunch with Nicole in 2 weeks time instead. Thanks Nicole for the accompany ^^ I'm a lucky girl! *Friendship*Working*Life*

Nicole brought me to 广生洋服 for our lunch today. It's a new place for me. 广生洋服 is a cafe with tailor shop's theme serving food and drinks like spaghetti, pizzas and so on. The cafe's design is more to vintage and old tailor shop style. Their overall decoration is just like a tailor shop with some fabrics decorations together with the old styled sewing machines..... Another creative theme cafe~


The design of the cafe

As our lunch is just one hour time, we asked for the waiting time before confirmed our order. We ordered a Carbonara *Our all time favourite*, a Pizza, Sky Juice and My Honey Lemon. The food served on time and we enjoyed our lunch. The Honey Lemon is just so so but the Carbonara and Pizza are yummy! The pizza is delicious with it's thin & crispy base together with it's cheesy topping, we extra request for pineapple topping as well ^^ *Yummy*Love* The carbonara is delicious too! with it's creamy sauce..... *Like*Thumbs up* Nicole said that today's Carbonara is more delicious than the one she ate during her first visit here. Hopefully it's carbonara is tasty as today during our coming visit ^^ Haha~

Lunch of The Day ^^ 

Enjoy my lunch, Enjoy my day ^^

Kwong Sang House 广生洋服
36, Leith Street,
10200 Penang,

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Tyre Puncture

OMG!!! Tyre Puncture happened on my car car just now......

Luckily It happened once I reached home, once I reached my parking.... if not, I don't know what should I do if it's happen on the road. It's scary, It's tension!

Thanks my housemate who changed on the spare tyre for me. I'm lucky ^^ By the way, it's a good experience to me in fact, if not, I will never learn the way to change on a spare tyre during tyre puncture >.< Now only I realized that the important messages Daddy & Brother always tell me....... I learnt ^^ Thanks everyone who love me. I will always take good care~ Love you all too~

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Omelette Love

Today, I'm gonna share my Testing on Omelette with you >.<

After the Omelette during my 520 Langkawi trip at Tubotel & Rebak Island Resort, made me want to make my own omelette using the ingredients I like to eat ^^ Sounds nice right? What you like to eat? Can put in all of it to make your own omelette~ Cooking today remind me the Yummy & Delicious Cheese Omelette by my little brother, Mingz *Should ask him to cook for me next round when I back home*Miss Him*Miss Family*

I tried it out using few of the ingredients in the fridge like potatoes, onions and some long beans. In fact, I prefer cheese, button mushroom, potato & onion. Tadah!!!! Here is my Omelette with 3 different ingredients ^^ The outcome didn't look that nice but the taste is yummy ^^ Gonna improve it next round~ Be Creative, Omelette Love

Omelette with Potato, Onion & Beans

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Take My 1st Step During My Wonderful Weekend

Do you have your dream life in mind? Do you have any special life targets to be achieved in your wishlists? Have you do it? Or you just dream it? Have you ever take your 1st Step to get closer to your dreams in reality instead of just dreaming?

Talking about dreams, I'm greedy and I have a lot of dreams! Life is just once, must fully enjoy it ^^ Do you agree with me? >.< What's your dreams?

Any dreams will do.... Everyone should have their own dreams in mind or the things they wish to do.

To earn more $$......
To get a happy family.....
To get a good job......
To get a good husband......
To get a lot of clothes for our wardrobe......
To get a lot of fashion stuffs.....

To go for travelling every years.....
To have own business.....
To eat many special and delicious food and drinks......
To have something special which not everyone's dream......

No matter your dreams are just a typical one or a special one, let your dreams come true! Your life will be wonderful~ Take your 1st Step! It's a very important step which may make changes to your life. It's the hardest one, but it's the best for you~

Even someone's dream is just a very simple one "have a cup of favourite drinks while reading at home"..... it will never come true if you didn't take any action.

So Guys & Girls! Please, go ahead with your dreams! Make your life special & special ^^

Today, I have a great weekend! I take my first step for one of my big dreams and will do my very best to achieve it. I'm happy with my 1st Step ^^ Should continue and make it better~

Thanks dear for the dinner at Little Nyonya, Queensbay and brought me to LomoKaki for their Opening Promotion *Waterproof 35mm Camera* Besides, we went to cinema for Fast & Furious 6 tonight, It's awesome!!! Love the story and people very much! I feel so happy today and right now too! ^^ Good night~

Little Nyonya Cuisine

TomYam chicken is delicious ^^

My New Babe *Waterproof*