Clover Life

Clover Life

Friday, 30 November 2012

SkinCare Rescue Mission

Time Flies~ Time pass very fast from Day to Day, Year to Year...... Really is the time to concern and take care the skin seriously as already ignore it due to laziness and the skin is getting worse due to the dusty environment, hot & sunny weather and UV everywhere >.< Some more, bad living lifestyle has to be changed as well in order to maintain a Healthy Lifestyle ^^ I made a Promise to myself this time, TALK-TO-DO
Take action on it!

Problems > Causes > Targets > Missions > ACTION!  ***Results***

SKINCARE is one of my wishlists for 2012 and 2012 is going to end in 1 month time, so I can't wait any more or give myself any stupid reasons to delay the missions any more.It's time to do it! Have to rescue my skin seriously. I will plan it accordingly and start my SKINCARE RESCUE MISSION on coming December 2012, it's TOMORROW ^^

Cool Look ^^ Heading to my dreams ^^

Okay, here are my plans!

1. Big & Clogged Pores
2. Acne (Sometimes, especially sleep "early" morning)
3. Freckle
4. Tone/ Colour
5. Eye Bag (Not the skin but included in my list ^^)

1. Bad Habits or Lifestyle (Sleep late, drink less water & so on......)
2. Laziness (Sometimes do, sometimes don't)
3. Less Willpower
4. Dreaming & Plan only, No Action
5. Keep on providing myself a lot of Excuses

1. Beautiful Skin
2. Beautiful Face Tone/ Colour
3. Healthy Face
4. Energetic-looking
5. Get a Great Hairstyle ^^ (For overall purpose ^^)

1. Search and Prepare all the Lists needed
2. Start to do all the Steps
3. Start the missions and make it Daily habits
4. Maintain Inner & Outer Beauty
5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Drink more water
2. Eat more healthy food and supplementaries like vitamins and so on
3. Sleep earlier
4. Be Confident, be Self-discipline and Hard working ^^
5. Be Happy everyday ^^

***There are no Ugly women, only Lazy ones***
Quoted by Helena Rubinstein

***Hard Work keeps the wrinkles Out of the Mind and Spirit***
Quoted by Helena Rubinstein


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Nail Arts - Sweet Pinky & Transparent Shinning

Feel wanna give my nails new design after they rest for some times, and I think they are boring with the Only one colour nail polish ^^ So, it's time to give them a new look, new changes & designs!!! (At the same time, I wanna prepare for my album collection too) So, here is my first try after I bought my Top Coat from Inglot ^^ Here is my Nail Arts Life starts......

Yeah! Finally! Pinky Day~

Preparation & Final Result
Enjoyed the moment of painting carefully on the nails especially when duplicate the same patterns on my right hand fingers. It's a good feeling ^^ I like it! Challenging as well!

Cherish my day with Pinky & Transparent Shinning. I will do better next round ^^

Pinky & Transparent Shining Arts

Monday, 26 November 2012

Happy Weekend of November 2012

Another weekend was just past... What did I do during my last weekend of November 2012? Quite busy but I was enjoyed. Miss my family very much at the same time >.< Super long time didn't see them, miss Dad and Mum. Okay, back to the topic today for my last weekend ^^

Last Friday night, we bought movie tickets before going for our dinner at Queens Food Market, Queensbay. Long time didn't go for movie already and wanted to go for the "Hot" & "全城热门" movie recently. We had I Love Yoo "porridge" set & Tom Yam Mee Hun at the foodcourt. I bought some lovely hair accessories and Top Coat at near by stall (Thanks dear). After that, we went to Starbuck Buy 1 Free 1 for Frappuccino (Java Chip & Dark Mocha). Finally! I got my favourite drinks again ^^ Happy~ By the way, I saw their New Christmas Mugs Collection, Nice! I think I should keep some money to buy the new mug already.... >.<

Yummy Mini Fruit Tarts & Baked Cheese Cake (My Friday Delivery Order at office)

Porridge Set, Tom Yam Mee Hun & Starbuck Frapuccino (Java Chip & Dark Mocha)
My 战利品 of last Friday ^^ (Top Coat & Hair Accessories)

We had our Movie Moment "ColdWar 寒战" at 9.25pm. Owesome!!! The ONLY word I can describe the movie that night! The whole storyline, theme, every good angles & participants are perfect match! You will be impressed by the actors with their acting and the sentences. For me, I did. Deep Impression ^^ The actors are very good! All are professional ^^ Long time didn't see Aaron and Andy Lau already. 4 of the guys in the movie are very 型! For me, the movie is BEST! I wish to watch for 2nd time, haha! After Avatar, I think this is the movie I wish to watch 2nd time in the cinema. Besides, plan to buy the DVD for my collection >.<

 Awesome Movie!!! COLDWAR 寒战 I like it so much ^^

So happy with the movie and my shopping trophies. At last, I got my Top Coat and I can start my Nail Arts soon. Feel wanna try more on nail arts and hairdo, as well as make up practise. I planned to start my own albums on that, to create some albums on the related matters. Hopefully it can be done soon but not only saying.

Besides, I did another recipe again during my weekend, 山楂苏打饼夹心糕. It's successful, but I think I will reduce the 山楂 to place a layer instead of 2 layers so that the 山楂 taste won't be too strong. Need more practise and trying ^^ I will do more and improve more on everything I do. Thanks dear for everything. I also went to a hotel with friend's relative for Wedding Dinner Decoration. It requires Creativity... Haha... I could learn new things from that. It's different from what I usually help my auntie in decorating people's wedding stage, as this time using fake flowers instead of real flowers. Perhaps real flowers are expensive and can't be long lasting o.O Anyway, enjoyed of the creativity & decoration moments ^^

The process of making 山楂苏打饼夹心糕

Yummy Try~

By the way, what is your dream wedding? Traditional Morning Session? Beach Celebration? Buffet Style? A wonderful Purple Wedding Dinner? A "King & Queen" style? Europe Style? It's Once in a lifetime, it will be very special to each of you... Think about it if your marriage is coming soon ^^

Flowery Decoration

Wedding Dinner Decoration

Hehe ^^ I like it! 

Friday, 23 November 2012

Your Christmas Gift Selection - Compact Mirrors

Jingle Bell~ Jingle Bells are ringing... Christmas is coming soon! How are you going to celebrate this year Christmas with your love one? with your Family? your dear? you friends? Colleagues? Or someone special? >.< Any special SURPRISE Christmas gift for your LOVE one? Haha! Today, I'm gonna introduce my lovely handmade for you.... sure you will Fall in Love with it ^^

Yeah! It's SPECIAL DIY compact mirrors! Let's share with you for more details ^^ 

Description: 2 Sided compact mirror with sophisticated frame, one side for normal mirror and another side for magnifying mirror. Just simply press the little button and you can open the frame. HERE is the beautiful parts for these compact mirrors..... It's DIY decoration with FABRICs! The ONLY ONE design. Different kind of fabrics! Let me show you ^^

10 different styles

Blue Sailor, Love Paris, Vintage Musical, Pinky with polka dots
Blue Flowery & Cool Yarn Dyed
Colourful Compass, Love Note Sewing, Mini Checked with laces & Brown Checked with musical

Any enquiry, please feel free to leave me a message ^^

It costs only RM28.00 each. Faster grab your surprise gift for the special one ^^

For more info, please visit

Monday, 19 November 2012

Homemade Steamed Egg Cake & Hakka Kuih 喜粄

Do you like Cooking or Baking? I love it since my secondary school time. I made a lot of desserts during that time like egg tarts, butter cake, spinach biscuits, jelly, ice cream, puff, nyonya kuih and so on...... Stopped all this when I studied in Uni for 3 years and then moved to Penang for my career life until now. Wow!!! It's such a long time I didn't cook already, miss it so much! I think the latest one should be Souffle for my lovely family...... oh ya, egg custards some more..... ^^

Nowadays, feel wanna do something new in my recipe ^^ Finally, I did it! I made Steamed Egg Cake (鸡蛋糕)and Hakka Kuih 喜粄 last Saturday. I tried Steamed Egg Cake before this (many years ago) and failed. The cake was hard and unable to eat that time >.< That's why I was very happy with my successful Steamed Egg Cake this time ^^ For the Hakka Kuih, I ate before but never try to make it. I found the recipe in internet and it's successful too!

The process of making Steamed Egg Cake ^^ Double Up!

Yummy cake, need to improve in future for the softness and moist level

Hakka Kuih making process~ Pinky Bun~
Really better with Traditional Banana Leaves
Yummy Hakka Kuih

Happy with the successful of the cooking moments~ Not only the Successful, the important thing is the Process and the Result (Especially when people enjoy eating it ^^ Still remember my Daddy's support on my recipe, I will do more for him when I back home... Love Daddy especially the way he encourage me all the time, mummy too. I love Daddy & Mummy! My lovely siblings as well ^^ In future, the recipe can be improved a bit more on the softness of the cake, will be more Yummy~

Enjoy the moment of cooking ^^ I wish to try a lot of different recipe (food & drinks) and cook for my dear family when I back hometown. Cooking and Baking are Wonderful! The love, the process, the successful! Yummy day of my lovely homemade~ Wish you have a nice day too!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Lunch at KoChaBi

Was busy with my Handmade and Room Cleaning this morning. Cut all the fabrics for coming new products at Lovy De'Shine and cleaned my room from top to the ground ^^ Although very tired of the overall cleaning process, but it's worth and happy when looking at the *Clean* and *Comfortable* environment. Cheer Up my day and give me the power to do my things better in a good environment.

In the afternoon, went for window shopping with dear at Penang Time Square (still not much of shops there). At first, I asked dear to bring me there was purposely looking for the handmade selling cafe, but it's quite disappointed cause couldn't get what I want. Thought to take our lunch at Full House or 野BBQ & Shabu Shabu but failed as the timing is not allowed. 

Lastly, we had our lunch at KoChaBi 古早味 , a Taiwanese Cafe. They serve for Traditional Taiwanese Food and Drinks. The environment there is the same style as the name, more to traditional design. A nice combination of traditional interior design, together with the Traditional Umbrella lighting effects ^^ (Forgot to capture the umbrella for you >.<)

Taiwan Kochabi

Then, we ordered a set lunch for 鲁肉饭 (The rice with 铁蛋&meat, dishes, soup, a drinks- we choose Milk Tea & dessert- cake), a 牛肉麻辣锅 and HoneyDew with milk & grass jelly. For me, the set lunch for 鲁肉饭 is very nice especially rice with meat & sauce. Yummy~ I don't really like the Shabu Shabu especially the soup, may be it's too spicy for me or because of it's only got Spicy taste..... but frankly speaking, the beef is not bad. Overall, we were enjoyed our lunch this afternoon and perhaps to go again next time for my favourite rice set ^^

My set lunch (Rice, dishes, soup, drinks and dessert) *Like*

My lunch at KoChaBi, Penang Time Square

Why weekend's time is always very SHORT? How should I distribute my weekend time for all my lovely one? Hometown for family... Dating with dear... Busy with my handmade... Girl's time for my friends..... I have no time to do all I wanted!!! Always have to choose 1 and sacrifice another 1. I love Weekend!!! I need MORE TIME please..... >.<

KoChaBi Taiwanese Cafe
Penang Time Square
Jalan Dato' Keramat,
10150 Georgetown,

Monday, 12 November 2012

Handmade, I'm back!

I was enjoyed and fully utilized my last weekend when I spent my time with myself, my dear and my lovely stuffs. I'm back to my Handmade Life after I stop touching it for 2 months time due to busy and tired working life, I can't afford to do my handmade after working hours. I miss it very much and feel guilty that I have no improvement on it recently >.< Anyway, I'm back to my Handmade on last Saturday morning ^^ Design, Sewing, Fabrics cutting...... Enjoyed my lovely Saturday morning with all my Handmade tools and ingredients.

Fabric of the day ^^ Frame Purse & String Pouch

From now onwards, must work smart on my career as well as my handmade so that I can improve more in my handmade stuffs ^^ I love handmade very much! *Love* How about you? It's special... especially the sewing by "heart". The love we put into the handmade stuffs.... only the one who own it will knows ^^ Anyway, I will improve more on my handmade and bring more lovely stuffs to you all and share here.

After the morning handmade, dear fetched me for lunch near Komtar area and continued our dessert time at Tong Pak Fu. We ordered the famous "Tracka Durian Snow Ice" and Creme Brulee. Felt nice and happy to have desserts during my relax weekend ^^ Cheer Up my day again...... Then, we were heading to Gurney Plaza as I wanted to buy the night cream there. Hopefully it really works on my "skin rescue mission"! >.< OMG.... we ate again after that, considered as our "late lunch" of the day, BBQ Plaza. For me, the food there is still ok only. Anyway, enjoyed my weekend~ Happy~ Miss my family so much >.<

Desserts of the day @ TPF & Late Lunch @ BBQ Plaza

Sincere note attached together with the night cream ^^  *Noted*

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Healthy Lunch at The Leaf Healthy House

As shown in today's title - Healthy Lunch ^^ I went for a healthy lunch with my colleague this afternoon, just 2 of us. This was our first time to go to The Leaf after it's renovation recently. New look - Different arrangement of the furnitures & some pretty decorations. Wonder where is the old cupboards full with Organic food and stuffs o.O

Quite relax with their new style & look. Oppss! Forgot to introduce about it, sorry that keep on talking about it's renovation. Haha! It's a cafe near by Bishop Street in Penang, selling "Healthy" food and drinks. Healthy here means it is more to less oil, no colouring, no preservatives, organic food and so on..... understand right? Frankly speaking, really quite a lot of people care about eating healthy food recently. **No Colouring & Preservatives** So, the business here is quite good especially lunch time I guessed >.<

**I saw this** - Food without MSG, no white sugar, no white salt, no artificial colouring, no preservatives...... Healthy right? ^^

For me, it's a good place to have lunch too. Quiet & Relax environment with simple decorations, can enjoy the moments with your friends. They serve a lot of "Healthy" food like daily 妈妈菜, yummy spaghetti with different flavours, "Healthy" burger, Rice, Mee, Tong Shui, Flower Tea, Healthy drinks and so on. I tried few of them before this like the Mushroom spaghetti, Miso Soup Mee Hun, Pumpkin Tong Shui, Lavender Tea, Salad, Fried rice and so on, quite nice and really healthy for us ^^

Simple but interesting decorations

The new environment after their renovation 

We ordered the set lunch of Pumpkin Spaghetti (1st try ^^) for today's lunch. The set included a spaghetti, a salad and a drinks. Yummy! The pumpkin flavour is nice when matching with the cheesy taste! I love it! It's special and delicious. Hehe! Had a satisfied lunch today. Enjoy~

My lunch today (set)

The Leaf Healthy House
5, Lebuh Penang,
10200 Georgetown,

Monday, 5 November 2012

1st Weekend of November 2012

I went for Raja Uda famous Tom Yam with dear during last Saturday. This time was the "shortest" time we waited for our Tom Yam meal as normally we need to wait for at least 1 hour time to have it. This time we just waited for 25 minutes. Haha! Happy! Enjoyed the Tom Yam flavour..... one of my favourite food. Felt so good with it....

Tom Yam Mee Hun

Tom Yam Maggie Mee

Went for a movie with my dear and enjoyed the time together although the movie was not that nice >.< Totally out of my expectation! Anyway, I learned something about love from the movie too... Love needs tolerance, understanding and some "private space" for each other as people always say that "Girls from Mars Boys from Venus". We will learn from each other and grow together......

Movie Time

Overall, I was enjoyed my 1st weekend of November 2012 and back to Monday Blue today :(  O..... Blue Blue! U? How about your weekend? 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Sweet Dinner at LightHouse Coffee Bar

I felt unhappy at first when I can't leave the office on time due to some extra tasks tonight. I need to finish all of them on the same day, and it accidentally took another 2 hours time for me to get them done. As planned, dear will come and wait me near by my office around 6.30pm for our dinner tonight. So, I let him waited me for 2 hours time.....OMG, I was very sorry..... I did apologize on that and so happy that he could understand the situation and he worried that I will be hungry that time. Haha! I think he is the one hungry.

After finish my job, we went to Lighthouse Coffee Bar for our late dinner. It was my 3rd time been there, but it's my first time with my dear. I love the environment of this coffee shop and hope I got a shop like this as well in future, if possible. Anyway, I believed that I will work hard for this ^^ Both of us ordered baked rice, Lighthouse Coffee Baked Herbs Rice & Sausage Baked Herbs Rice. We ordered only 1 drinks, Banana with mix berries. Besides, we had a piece of Tiramisu before they served our main course as we were quite hungry that time. The tiramisu taste delicious! Another "Melting feeling" in my mouth ^^ I love Tiramisu~ The drinks is not bad and I like the Coffee Baked Herbs Rice, special with the coffee flavour~ 

I enjoyed the sweet dinner with my dear at the nice environment coffee bar tonight. Love the Baked rice, desserts and drinks there. Yummy........ Once again, sorry for waiting me for 2 hours time. Love you~

Nice Environment in the coffee house, a message boards for customers

Left (Lighthouse Tiramisu), 2 different styles of Tiramisu with the different "Melting" feeling, Yummy~

 Lighthouse Coffee Bar
Logan Heritage No. 4,
Bishop Street, Georgetown,
10300 Penang.